The story begins with four men pulling a heist together. The men rob a man named Khan (Omar Sy), a well known French heroin dealer, of his drugs and money. Ben Tuttle and Bobby emerge from the building first. Ben shoots Bobby and runs off with all of the money and drugs. The two other men, Jack Witkowski (Sam Spruell) and Marshall, exit later. They find Bobby dead, and run off before they get caught. Tom Wright (James Franco) and his wife Anna (Kate Hudson) are living in London and have fallen into severe debt while renovating their family's home. They are trying to have a baby, but have been unsuccessful thus far. After their downstairs tenant doesn't respond to their requests to keep it down, the couple goes downstairs to discover their neighbor, Ben, is dead. The official cause of death is ruled a heroin overdose by the police. While cleaning the apartment, the Wrights discover £220,000 in a loose ceiling tile. The couple debates what to do with the money, as well as the remainder of Ben's things. After some time, Tom spends some money on paying off the house they were renovating, and Anna spends some money to go to a fertility clinic. Meanwhile, Detective Halden (Tom Wilkinson) is suspicious the Wrights are withholding information. He begins tracking their movements, as he seems to believe Ben's death is connected to his daughter's. Labels: Education
Heart Touching Short Films from Thailand
The story begins with four men pulling a heist together. The men rob a man named Khan (Omar Sy), a well known French heroin dealer, of his drugs and money. Ben Tuttle and Bobby emerge from the building first. Ben shoots Bobby and runs off with all of the money and drugs. The two other men, Jack Witkowski (Sam Spruell) and Marshall, exit later. They find Bobby dead, and run off before they get caught. Tom Wright (James Franco) and his wife Anna (Kate Hudson) are living in London and have fallen into severe debt while renovating their family's home. They are trying to have a baby, but have been unsuccessful thus far. After their downstairs tenant doesn't respond to their requests to keep it down, the couple goes downstairs to discover their neighbor, Ben, is dead. The official cause of death is ruled a heroin overdose by the police. While cleaning the apartment, the Wrights discover £220,000 in a loose ceiling tile. The couple debates what to do with the money, as well as the remainder of Ben's things. After some time, Tom spends some money on paying off the house they were renovating, and Anna spends some money to go to a fertility clinic. Meanwhile, Detective Halden (Tom Wilkinson) is suspicious the Wrights are withholding information. He begins tracking their movements, as he seems to believe Ben's death is connected to his daughter's. Labels: Education
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